A Transformational Technology
The value propositions of energy storage – especially long-duration storage – are many. Finally, power markets and regulators are finding ways to pay for them. It’s not just arbitrage anymore. Some utilities, such as those in Florida and the Northeast, are finding that without storage, they cannot build out renewables to meet the goals of the Energy Transition without operating their legacy fleets in costly suboptimal ways. FastLight Storage Engine is the dramatically economical, practical and eco-friendly answer for integrated fleets and for regulatory policy makers, as well as for single – facility individual competitive power suppliers to survive and profit from the Energy Transition.
Fastlight stores renewable energy in the form of compressed air, attractively above ground or in salt domes below ground, in long-duration quantity. The Fastlight conversion then provides dynamic new optionality to the operating envelope of an existing gas turbine, letting it produce its full capacity to the grid in only a few minutes, using only half of the gas fuel it did previously. These changes are available without either affecting the facility’s existing air permit, or requiring new interconnection or grid upgrades. Finally, both powerplant investors and utility ratepayers will be glad to learn that long-lived, non-degrading Fastlight installs for half or less the cost incurred to deploy battery storage, with none of the hazards that make it problematic to put batteries in built-up areas.

Here's how our highly-flexible, long or short-term duration storage technology works.
Modular Technology is Installed On an Existing Combustion Turbine
The FastLight Storage Engine solution has a small, power-dense footprint. Our air containment vessels and modular electric-driven compressors - proven technology used around the world - are easily installed in conjunction with an existing combustion turbine, requiring relatively little space. Then, the air compression process is decoupled from the CT, and the electric generator is upgraded if necessary, doubling turbine output and making available the full turbine power generated available to the grid. A 200 MW turbine can now generate 200 MW rather than using 100 MW to power the compression cycle. Or it can make 100 MW using half of the fuel burn it required previously. Even storing natural gas on site cannot provide this unique operational and eco-friendly benefit. This feature - only available from FastLight - can preserve and enhance the value of the gas turbine in storms and other emergencies when gas pipeline capacity is constrained.
Fastlight Stores and Deploys Energy From Any Source, Without Costly and Time-Consuming Interconnection or Grid Upgrades
Battery storage is of zero potential value to turbine operators. Now they can finally participate profitably in the storage markets that are being incentivized by grid operators, policy makers and the renewable energy industry. Fastlight can store as much energy in compressed air as may be wanted, and can add more as markets develop. This scalable and highly flexible technology allows gas turbines to take advantage of nearly-free renewable energy available in the off-peak market, and deploy it on demand. Or it allows an operator to collaborate with renewable energy developers to use the turbine’s existing infrastructure and interconnection to facilitate more rapid build out of solar and wind farms on the grid.
Fastlight is a Highly Efficient Peaker Asset Even Without Stored Energy
When storage is depleted, the FastLight Storage Engine can use power from the grid to run its highly efficient modular compression system in conjunction with the converted gas turbine to generate even more peaking power. Let us show you how that works!

A More Cost-Effective & Eco-Friendly Approach to Energy Storage FOR INTEGRATED GRID DEPLOYMENTS
Lasting 30+ years without significant degradation, our FastLight Storage Engine is a long-term solution which, when included in the mix of grid storage applications, greatly diminishes the need for battery replacement and disposal. With superior durability and storage capacity, compressed air storage offers a more flexible and environmentally-friendly alternative, 1 at a fraction of the levelized cost of energy of battery installations. Where extra-large scale underground salt dome storage is available nearby, such as in Texas and several other U.S. States, Fastlight’s LCOE can be one-quarter that of batteries - - even Chinese batteries.
Reduce Your Carbon Footprint By Cutting Emissions Up to 50%
While batteries may be part of the net zero objectives as they store renewable energy, they still require peakers to firm that energy for the grid. Our FastLight Engine doubles as an energy storage system and future-proofed peaking power asset, converting even older less-efficient gas turbines to provide needed grid support at one-half of the heat rate of the most efficient combined cycle plants.

Improve Your Bottom Line With Fewer Capital and O&M Costs
With FastLight, one plant serves as a peaking gas turbine and a daily energy storage unit at a fraction of the capital cost and levelized cost of energy. The significant increase in output from our peaker assets means fewer peaking turbines are required to level the grid, leading to reduced O&M costs and a better bottom line. At the operator level, decoupling the compression cycle from the GT means greatly reduced maintenance and replacement capital costs, reduced combustion chamber degradation from wet compression, and the ability to serve the peaking market profitably and repeatedly each day, because it takes only minutes, not hours, to start up the engine.
Commercially Proven serviceable Products
Our FastLight Storage Engine utilizes commercially proven products uniquely packaged to provide energy storage. We partner with gas turbine service providers to offer long-term service agreements

Sitting OPTIONALITY AND Expand-ability
The FastLight Storage Engine is comprised of flexible modular components that improve upon an existing site’s mature frame combustion turbines, adding robust proven performance & durability. Our coated ballistic steel above-ground air storage vessels can be distributed, or gathered, and added anywhere - even a mile away or on a barge - with a relatively small footprint. As they are only 40’ long, they could even be buried.
Industry veterans will recall that historically, compressed air energy storage was significantly limited by the availability of only a very few underground caverns capable of storing commercial quantities of air at pressure. With FastLight, our highly-flexible, energy-dense solution allows commercially economical CAES plants almost anywhere there is a gas turbine. Near the load center, near the solar farm, near the 375 kV line or near the substation.
Electric low pressure compressors feed electric high pressure compressors and store high pressure air in storage tanks.
Air is released and heated in the recuperator to normal gas turbine compressor exit conditions.
When the air tank is empty, the Turbophase gas powered compressors and electric low pressure compressors generate air to deliver continuous peaking power.
Fastlight Storage Engine: A Smarter Approach to Energy Storage and Gas Turbine Optimization
The Fastlight Storage Engine is an advanced energy storage solution that enhances gas turbine efficiency, reduces fuel consumption, and provides long-duration energy storage for large-scale power generation. This cutting-edge technology allows gas turbine operators to double their output without increasing fuel use or maintain their current capacity while cutting fuel consumption by half. Fastlight creates new revenue streams by enabling gas turbine projects to compete profitably in the growing energy storage market.
With its ability to quickly inject electrically compressed air into CCGTs or modify combustion turbines, this system offers a cost-effective alternative to traditional peaking power plants. It also reduces carbon footprints, improves fleet economics, and helps utilities efficiently manage the growing share of renewable energy on the grid. Designed for seamless integration with existing gas turbines, Fastlight offers flexible energy storage, rapid response, and modular scalability, making it an ideal upgrade for utilities, fleet managers, and policymakers. With fast start-up times and long-duration energy capabilities, it is a game-changer in energy storage and peaking power solutions.
Key Advantages of Fastlight Storage Engine:
- Enables gas turbines to generate twice the power without increasing fuel usage or maintain output while cutting fuel consumption by half.
- Stores and dispatches compressed air to support peaking demand, reducing reliance on battery storage.
- Achieves ~50% reduction in specific emissions, making it a sustainable choice for energy providers.
- Operates continuously or on demand, ensuring a reliable power supply during peak loads.
- Reduces the number of turbines needed for spinning reserves, leading to a 20-30% decrease in O&M costs.
- Efficiently stores surplus renewable energy, helping utilities manage the transition to a lower-carbon grid.
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